Support Us
NSO is a non-profit, charitable organisation. We operate with generous support from our sponsors and funding partners.
As a registered charity, your donations are eligible for a 33.33% tax credit.
You can support us in the following ways:
Become a 'Friend' of the Nelson Symphony Orchestra
To become a Friend, either choose one of the links below or call in to the NCMA box office between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
When you choose one of the links below you will be taken to the NCMA website shop for your purchase.
NSO Performer Pass - $50 p.a.
- $5 discount on your ticket to each concert
- Free Programme included in Pass (collect from box office on night of concert)
NSO Soloist Pass $200 p.a.
- All the benefits of the Principal Pass
- Your name in 2023 concert programmes
- Reserved parking at Marsden House
- Free glass of wine before or after each concert
NSO Maestro Pass – gifts of $400+ p.a.
- Includes the cost of your concert tickets
- All the benefits of the Soloist Pass
- Your name on our Maestro Board displayed in the foyer before each concert
For further information about becoming a friend, please contact us or email us directly.
Become a Sponsor
We are very grateful to all sponsors and patrons who have given financial support over the years. Amateur orchestras need resources to help meet production costs, to enable future planning and to help purchase instruments and equipment. The following sponsors in particular have assisted the Nelson Symphony Orchestra in this way:
- Arts Council Nelson
- Arts Council Tasman
- Lion Foundation
- Mainland Foundation
- Nelson Building Society
- Network Tasman Trust
- New Zealand Community Trust
- Originair
- Pub Charity
Businesses and individuals also sponsor the orchestra, providing resources to fund specific projects, commissions, travel and accommodation for visiting artists, recordings, promotion and scholarships.
For further information about becoming a friend, please contact us or email us directly at
The Nelson Symphony Orchestra is a registered charitable organisation which means that donations of any size are tax free and a great way to help the orchestra.
For further information about becoming a friend, please contact us or email us directly.